One of the challenges I face is being isolated. My nephew’s wife sent me an email that pointed out that being diabetic can be isolating and having lymphoma and going through chemotherapy could add to that. I disagreed but now I’m not so sure. I find myself bored at times. Eunice says if you are bored, you are boring. Not very nice but probably true.
But how do you know if you really are boring? I just searched the internet for clues and there are a lot of checklists that contain the same information. How boring is that? I have a feeling these things were published repeatedly in Psychology Today or Reader’s Digest but here are the tips people seem to agree on to know if you are boring in a social situation:
“Oh really?” If the person you are taking to keeps saying this over and over, it means you are boring.
Not being interrupted. If you are droning on and on and no one else is attempting to interrupt, it means you are boring. Interruption actually signals interest in the conversation, so no interruptions means someone is being bored out of their mind.
Look out for body position. If someone is interested in what you are saying, they will usually turn to face you. Conversely, if the person you are talking to is partially turned away, chances are they are not engaged in what you are saying.
Are you bored? Chances are if you’re bored with someone’s conversation, they are bored with yours as well. Time to find someone else to talk to.
So let’s say you are boring and you are OK with that. Who says you have to change? Here are 5 webcams that won’t over stimulate you.
Watching Paint Dry Watching Grass Grow Watching Traffic Watching Cheese Age Riding Through the Car Wash Maybe you do need to change. At least don’t get bored with your food. Here are 10 tips to avoid that.
1. Pick up one new thing from the produce section
2. Visit the spice aisle
3. Buy fresh ingredients instead of canned or frozen
4. Try the unprocessed version like brown rice
5. Search the internet for new recipes
6. Garnish it
7. Buy a new pot or pan
8. Pair it with wine (ignore this for a low tyramine diet)
9. Cook the same ingredient four times different ways
10. Cook with a friend
Eat Good Food, Be Kind, Tell the TruthClick below for the collection of recipes or for an easy to print copy of a single recipe.
Collection of Recipes
Bronzed Catfish
The Friday Update: Just the Facts